
Showing posts from June, 2024

Top Trends in Industrial Epoxy Flooring: What's Hot This Year

  In the world of industrial flooring, epoxy coatings continue to reign supreme for their durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal. As technology advances and design trends evolve, new trends emerge in the realm of industrial epoxy flooring. Let's explore the top trends that are hot this year and shaping the future of industrial flooring. 1.    Metallic Epoxy Flooring One of the most popular trends in industrial epoxy flooring is metallic epoxy. This flooring option creates a stunning, three-dimensional effect that mimics the look of natural stone or marble. Metallic epoxy is achieved by mixing metallic pigments into the epoxy resin, creating a unique, high-gloss finish that adds depth and sophistication to any industrial space. 2.    Decorative Flake Flooring Flake flooring, also known as chip flooring, is another popular trend in industrial epoxy flooring. This flooring option involves adding decorative flakes or chips to the epoxy coating, creating a textured, multi

Filling Cracks Before Epoxy: A Comprehensive Guide

  Epoxy flooring is renowned for its durability, resilience, and aesthetic appeal, making it a popular choice for residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. However, to ensure the longevity and performance of an epoxy floor, proper preparation is key. One crucial step in this process is filling cracks before applying the epoxy. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of this phase and provide guide how to do it successfully. Why is it important to fill cracks before epoxy?   1.    Prevents moisture and air from seeping through Cracks in the concrete substrate can act as pathways for moisture and air to penetrate the floor. This can lead to issues such as bubbling, delamination, and a compromised bond between the epoxy and the substrate. By filling these cracks, you create a barrier that helps prevent these problems.   2.    Ensures a smooth and level surface for epoxy application A smooth and level surface is essential for a flawless epoxy finish. Filling

Is Commercial Grade Epoxy Floor Paint the Safest Option for Kitchen Floors?

  When selecting flooring for your kitchen, safety and durability are necessary. Kitchens are high-traffic areas prone to spills, heat, and heavy usage, making it essential to choose a floor that can withstand these conditions. One option that has gained popularity in recent years is commercial grade epoxy floor paint . But is it the safest option for kitchen floors? Let's explore the features, benefits, and considerations of using epoxy flooring in your kitchen. Understanding Commercial Grade Epoxy Floor Paint: Commercial grade epoxy floor paint is a two-part system consisting of resin and hardener. When mixed, these components create a robust and durable surface that adheres firmly to the substrate. Known for its strength and resistance, commercial grade epoxy is commonly used in industrial settings, but its benefits extend to residential kitchens as well. Unlike residential grade epoxy, commercial grade options offer enhanced durability and performance, making them suitable